Sincretism imaginar/Imaginary Syncretism

Catalin Vasile Bobb


If we disscuss imaginary syncretism, we will do this by taking some caution measures: we are used to general speculations, to metaphors, but we have to acknowledge that the present article values specific statements, namely, when discussing religion, dogma, the absolute truth, we are actually taking into consideration the individual behind all these. It involves to state the intercultural dialogue (defined as openess toward the other), having as bases several solutions likely to be traced, because when we discuss the great concepts of culture, such in the case of Humanism, we may not be able to grasp their meaning without putting value on the specificities it presupposes. Further more, multiculturalism announces umanism without taking into account that the equivalence between syncretism and the former is the creation of the imaginary in modernity. Multiculturalism being specific to the secular cultures is actally specific to religious cultures rendered secular, where secular can return to religious, yet it is a one-way, the other way round being impossible.


multiculturalism, syncretism, imaginary, pluralism, religious symbol, secularism

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