Clonarea - Blasfemie sau Binecuvantare? Structuri mitico-religioase, controverse etice si consecinte sociale/ Cloning: Blasfemy or Blessing? Mythical-religious Structures, Ethical Controversies and Social Consequences

Nicu Gavriluta


Starting as a scientific presentation of the phenomenon of cloning, in which etymology, the definitions and some already classical examples are emphasized, this paper actually focuses on a less discussed perspective in nowadays debates on cloning. Thus, the paper aims at showing which are (if any) the mythical-religious structures of cloning, certainly without ignoring the social consequences, the advantages and disadvantages and the juridical effects of cloning. Discussing Mircea EliadeĆ­s novella Les trois graces, the purpose of explaining the subtle reactivation of ancient mythical-religious phantasms by the means of a contemporary scientific experiment such as cloning is reached.


cloning, mythical, religious, advantage, juridical, AND, Theology

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