Controverse, opinii si dezbateri despre profilul secularizarii/ Controversies, Opinions and Debates on the Profile of Secularization
The historical investigation of the patterns of secularization entails the analysis of a complex dimension with a variety of different levels: religious, mental, intellectual, cultural, social, and political. The great divisions within Christianity produced in the second millennium would give birth to many different religious Europes and to many different ways of living among Christians. If secularization meant turning from the sky to worldly affairs, secularization meant the separation of the Christian religions and churches from the political and institutional practices that brought about new ways of thinking about the sacred. In this context, multidisciplinary research analyzes great continuities, but also breaking points, strong points but also weak ones, from which historical societies have suffered.
Church, State, religion, secularization, sacralization, theology, laicization, history, Renaissance, Reform, modernity, pluridisciplinarity, sociology.
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