Despre globalizare intre mit si iluzie (identificarea elementelor teoretice care afirma continutul religios al conceptului si care sunt generatoare a cimpurilor de interferare spirituala)/ On Globalization between "Myth and Ilusion"

Ioan Chirila


This article discusses the idea of globalization and its consequences for the religious field. In a methodological section, it critically introduces the terminology of globalization analysis, sketching the historical background of the topic. Than, it investigates the commonalities between the theory of globalization and Christian language, taking into account the differences among the Christian confessions. He proposes a geopolitical analysis of the relations between Catholics and Orthodox Christians that uses the model of “spiritual pairsâ€. Finally, a framework for inter-religious dialogue in a unified Europe is proposed that would make use of the globalization localization dualism.


globalization, inter-religious dialogue, Europe, sociology, localization, oikoumene, syncretism, geopolitics

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