Epistemologia Tractatus-ului/ The Epistemology of Wittgenstein's Tractatus
Wittgenstein accepts the linguistic hypothesis about science according which science is the corpus of significant propositions. The epistemological problem can be divided into the problem of demarcation and the problem of justification. The answer to the demarcation problem consists in a criterion for significant propositions. Wittgenstein proposes a syntactical criterion. A proposition has sense if it is composed of elementary propositions and logical operators. The domains that contain senseless propo- sitions must be excluded from the scientific field. Wittgenstein’s solution to the justification problem consists in the hypothesis of identity between tautology and necessary truth. In this way, the logical decision methods may be extended to the epistemological decision. Wittgenstein’s epistemological conclusion is that only mathematics and logic (but not physics) are justified, because their propositions are tautologies.
Wittgenstein, epistemology, philosophy of science, demarcation, justification
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