Intre arhiva si diagrama sau cunoasterea ca practice a puterii/ Between Archive and Diagram or the Knowledge as Practice of Power
Taking into consideration the concepts of „knowledge†and „powerâ€, whose correlation authored the very idea of modernity, this study on Foucault traces their evolution through two cultural patterns: the archive and the diagram. A world picture can be constructed only by making appeal to the archives of knowledge. In every historical moment the structure and the quality of the archive actuate the initiatives of power, that is, the play of forces between actors, institutions, centres of decision in society, and between agents and patients. The play of these forces, ever reshaping, allows the temporary drawing of the power diagram. It is in the precarious balance realized by a diagram that the social play happens, which, by reverting to its archive sources, transforms the cycle of knowledge. As a central idea, it can be asserted that it is between knowledge and power, between archive and diagram and that it is according to the actual schemes of their correlation that the evolutionary curve of a human world is decided.
Foucault, archive, diagram, visible, sayable, being-light, language-being, enunciation, discursive formation, panoptic, knowledge, power, social practice, bioethics, strategy
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