Pierderea timpului ca instrument de comprehensiune in eseurile lui Mircea Eliade/ The Loss of Time as Comprehension Tool in the Essays of Mircea Eliade
This article analyses the concept of “the loss of time†in the essays of Mircea Eliade. This concept is shown to be an instrument of knowledge and a form of freedom that saves the human being from falling into historicity, and opens a point of access towards authenticity. The article critically discusses the temporal alternatives of the modern human being: capitalized time, free time, and personal time. The loss of time is subsequently shown to be both a technique for obtaining salvation, and a domination technique de- scribed in scientific works. Finally, the invitation of losing time is seen as a re-activation of an a priori structure that makes possible the “humanitarian engagement†of Eliade in order to re-actualize the sacred at the conscious level of the modern human being, as well as an attempt at revalorization of parusia for the religious Christian.
Mircea Eliade, the loss of time, the sacred, comprehension, parusia, salvation
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