Logical Thinking and Spiritual Projections in Ioan Biris s Philosophy

Florea Lucaci


The present study proposes a valorization of the work of professor and philosopher Ioan Biris. The statistics of his books and studies, their distribution by areas of interest, and especially the ideas in his work confirm the need for philosophy in the Romanian cultural life. As a whole, his philosophical endeavor is based on the concept of totality. Thus in the Hegelian spirit, Ioan Biris successfully convinces us that the logical may exceed the limits of formal exercise and become the organon of philosophy. In this capacity, the logical may operate on the real and valorize the multiple relationships between identity and difference. His books Filosofia si logica stiintelor sociale,Totalitate, sistem, holon, Rolul imaginarului in cunoasterea stiintifica, Istorie si cultura, as well as a series of studies among which let me mention: L identite symbolique et la logique partitive des valeurs spirituelles, On the logic of religious terms, Le rapport identite-difference et la conjonction collective. Aspects logiques, clearly prove the author s capacity to integrate existential, religious, cognitive and axiological issues into a unitary vision. As Noica would say, he succeeded to enter the spirit s life thorough the intellect s gate.


analytic philosophy, applied logic, totality, identity, difference, science concepts, spiritual values, religious terms, Ioan Biris

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