Table of Contents
Studies and Articles
Statul-natiune si provocarile diversitatii/ The Nation-State and the Challenges of Diversity | |
Levente Salat | 4-11 |
Despre toleranta, pluralism si recunoasterea celorlalti/ On Tolerance, Pluralism and the Recognition of Others | |
Mircea Dumitru | 12-18 |
Spiritul de toleranta, cultura recunoasterii si nevoia de comprehensiune/ The Spirit of Tolerance, the Culture of Recognition and the Need of Comprehension | |
Anton Carpinschi | 19-35 |
The Appreciative Perspective in Multicultural Relations | |
Stefan Cojocaru | 36-48 |
Moral and ethical views of relativistic and radicalistic tendencies | |
Johannes Michael Schnarrer | 49-59 |
Multidimensional Approach to Religion: a way of looking at religious phenomena | |
Talip Kucukcan | 60-70 |
Controverse, opinii si dezbateri despre profilul secularizarii/ Controversies, Opinions and Debates on the Profile of Secularization | |
Simona Nicoara | 71-86 |
Aspecte ale raportului dintre filosofie si esoterism in intepretarea lui Moshe Idel/ Aspects of the Relation between Philosophy and Esotericism in Moshe Idel's Perspective | |
Sandu Frunza | 102-115 |
Ideology, Empirical Sciences, and Modern Philosophical Systems | |
J.C. Akike Agbakoba | 116-125 |
Epistemologia Tractatus-ului/ The Epistemology of Wittgenstein's Tractatus | |
Ionel Narita | 126-132 |
Monotheistic Monarchy | |
Aziz al-Azmeh | 133-149 |
Intre arhiva si diagrama sau cunoasterea ca practice a puterii/ Between Archive and Diagram or the Knowledge as Practice of Power | |
Vianu Muresan | 150-165 |
The Rhetoric of Revolution Dismantled: The Case of Communist Propaganda | |
Stefan Sebastian Maftei | 166-181 |
Puterea limbajului/ The Power of Language | |
Sorin Calin | 182-193 |
Gen, corp, politics in comunism/ Gender, Body, and Politics during Communism | |
Codruta Cuceu | 194-202 |
Religious Tradition and the Archaic Man | |
Veress Karoly | 203-210 |
Pierderea timpului ca instrument de comprehensiune in eseurile lui Mircea Eliade/ The Loss of Time as Comprehension Tool in the Essays of Mircea Eliade | |
Elvira Groza | 211-218 |
Religie si ideologie la Mircea Eliade/ Religion and Ideology at Mircea Eliade | |
Ion Cordoneanu | 219-231 |
Jacques Derrida, Credinta si cunoastere. Veacul si iertarea/ Faith and Knowledge. Century and Forgiveness | |
Adrian Costache | 232-235 |
Umberto Eco, Cinci scrieri morale/ Five Moral Writings | |
Mihaela Frunza | 236-238 |
Moshe Idel, Cabalistii nocturni/ Nocturnal Kabbalists | |
Sandu Frunza | 239-240 |
Gerrie ter Haar, James J. Busuttil (eds.) Bridge or barrier: religion, violence and visions for peace | |
Christian Schuster | 240-243 |
Gerrie ter Haar oi James J. Busuttil (eds.), The Freedom to Do God s Will. Religious Fundamentalism and Social Change | |
Roxana Havrici | 244-245 |
Israel Knohl Mesia dinainte de Iisus. Slujitorul patimitor de la Marea Moarta/ Mesia Before Jesus. The Suffering Servant from the Dead Sea | |
Petru Moldovan | 246-247 |
Sandu Frunza, Nicu Gavriluta and Michael S. Jones (Eds.) The Challenges of Multiculturalism in Central and Eastern Europe | |
Maria Pantea | 248-249 |
Nicolae Kallos, A dialogue on Jewish identity, Holocaust, and Communism as personal Experiences | |
Codruta Cuceu | 250-252 |
ISSN: 1583-0039