Vol 4, No 12 (2005)

JSRI Volume 4 Issue 12 Winter 2005

Trans-Cultural Dialogue and Multicultural Education

Table of Contents


Creating National Identity through a Legend The Case of the Wandering Jew PDF
Israel Idalovichi 3-26
Nationalism and Religion in the Formation of Modern State in Turkey and Egypt until World War I PDF
Recep Boztemur 27-40
Imaginea celuilalt: un document francez privind spatiul romanesc de la inceputul secolului al XIX-lea/ The Image of the Other : A French Document about the Romanian Space in the beginning of the XIXth Century) PDF
Sorin Sipos 41-48
Liberalism Against the Nation: A False Hypothesis of Historical Analysis PDF
Sergiu Miscoiu 49-55
Dialogue and love as presuppositions of learning in a multicultural world PDF
Johannes Michael Schnarrer 56-67
Grupuri etnice si religioase in Romania - (co)incidente in aspectele educationale/ Ethnic and Religious Groups in Romania Educational (Co)Incidences PDF
Alexandru Isaic-Maniu, Claudiu Herteliu 68-75
A Transcultural Reading of Television Advertising PDF
Diana Cotrau 76-83
Church-state relations in Romania: problems and perspectives of inter-denominational cooperation at the level of church-based NGOs PDF
Aurelian Muntean 84-100
Cultural Policy in Romania: Justifications, Values and Constraints. A Philosophical Approach PDF
Dan Eugen Ratiu 101-123
The Aristotelian Spirit and the Cultural Moulding of the Christian World PDF
Florea Lucaci 124-132


Mircea Flonta, Hans-Klaus Keul si Jorn Rusen (coord.), Religia si societatea civila/ Religion and civil society PDF
Catalin Vasile Bobb 133-134
Serban Leoca, Purtatori de adevar/ Truth-bearers PDF
Gheorghe Clitan 135-138
Sergiu Miscoiu, Le Front National et ses repercussions sur l echiquier politique francais 1972-2002/ The National Front and its Repercussions on the French Political Spectrum 1972-2002 PDF
Laura Herta Gongola 138-140
Jacob Neusner, Iudaismul in timpurile moderne/ Judaism during the Modern Period PDF
Raluca Ciurcanu 141-143
Liliana Popescu, Politica sexelor/ Politics of sexes PDF
Mihaela Frunza 143-144
Ovidiu Pecican, Romania si Uniunea Europeana/ Romania and the European Union PDF
Catalin Vasile Bobb 145-146

ISSN: 1583-0039