Topics in Ethics and Ideologies
Table of Contents
Studies and Articles
Ethics and its challenges | |
Johannes Michael Schnarrer | 4-13 |
Ethical business institutions. How are they possible? | |
Imre Ungvari Zrinyi | 14-22 |
Prolegomena to Digital Communication Ethics | |
Robert Arnautu | 23-31 |
Social Projectionism: A Vision For New Ethics In Social Welfare | |
Stefan Cojocaru | 32-38 |
Sin And The Experience Of Finiteness | |
Veress Karoly | 39-46 |
Dangers Of Morality And The Rationality Of The Desire For Perpetual Peace | |
Erdogan Yyldyrym | 47-58 |
A Clash Or Dialogue Of Civilizations? A Medieval Or Modern Mentality | |
Leonard Swidler | 59-67 |
The New Christian Right and the Death of Secularism as Neutrality in the United States | |
Robert Daniel Rubin | 68-77 |
Efecte de limit? ale ideologiei/ Limitation Effects of Ideology | |
Stefan Afloroaei | 78-89 |
Does a system of ideologies really exist ? A comparative approach to five ideological ideal-types | |
Dan Andrei Ilas | 90-105 |
The Subsidized Muse or the Market-oriented Muse? Supporting Artistic Creation in Romania between State Intervention and Art Market. | |
Dan Eugen Ratiu | 106-127 |
Jewish Philosophy and the Metaphor of Returning to Jerusalem | |
Sandu Frunza | 128-138 |
SCIRI Conferences
Mark Tansey - Derrida Queries de Man. Application to Derrida s Questioning of Hermeneutics | |
Adrian Costache | 139-146 |
The Religious American | |
Mihaela Paraschivescu | 147-151 |
Ciphers and Existence. Karl Jaspers between West and East | |
Istvan V. Kiraly | 152-160; |
Andrei Plesu, Comedii la portile Orientului (Farces at the Orient s Gates) | |
Marius Jucan | 161-162 |
Adrian Neculau (ed.) Viata cotidiana in communism (Everyday Life in Communism) | |
Marius Jucan | 163-164 |
Daniel Barbu, Politica pentru barbari (Politics for Barbarians) | |
Marius Jucan | 165-166 |
Jean-Francois Mattei, Barbaria interioara. Eseu despre imundul modern (On Inner Barbarity. An Essay on the Modern Vile) | |
Marius Jucan | 167-169 |
Zygmunt Bauman, Comunitatea. Cautarea sigurantei intr-o lume nesigura (The Comunity) | |
Iulia Grad | 171-173 |
Attila M. Demeter, Republikanizmus, nacionalizmus, nemzeti kisebbsegek (Republicanism, nationalism, national minorities) | |
Rigan Lorand | 173-176 |
Claudiu Mesaros, Filosofii cerului (The philosophers of the sky above) | |
Florea Lucaci | 176-178 |
Lucian Boia, The Scientific Mythology of Communism | |
Codruta Cuceu | 179-181 |
Theodor Damian, Implicatiile spirituale ale teologiei icoanei/ Spiritual Implications of the Iconic Theology | |
Sebastian Draiman | 181-182 |
ISSN: 1583-0039