Vol 5, No 15 (2006)

JSRI Volume 5 Issue 15 Winter 2006

Remembering Mircea Eliade & Religion, Culture, Ideology

Table of Contents

Studies and Articles

Eliade and his generation - metaphysical fervour and tragic destiny PDF
Laura Pavel 5-19
Mircea Eliade. Exile and Diasporic Identity PDF
Mihaela Paraschivescu 20-24
Mircea Eliade si semnificatia antropologica a simbolismului religios/ Mircea Eliade and the anthropological signification of religious symbolism PDF
Ion Cordoneanu 25-30
Actualitatea paradigmei Eliade-Culianu in interpretarea mitologiilor contemporane/ The actuality of the Eliade-Culianu paradigm within the contemporary mythological interpretations PDF
Nicu Gavriluta 31-36
The construction of the religious space in post-socialist Romania PDF
Sorin Gog 37-53
The culture of acknowledgement and the horizons of truth PDF
Anton Carpinschi 54-65
Culture as Religion and Religion as Culture in the Philosophy of Lucian Blaga PDF
Michael S. Jones 66-87


"Scrisorile catre un provincial" ale lui Mircea Eliade. Raspunsul unui provincial din viitor/ Mircea Eliade s Letters for a Provincial. The Answer from a Provincial from the Future PDF
Elvira Groza 88-93
Yogacara Buddhism: a sympathetic description and suggestion for use in Western theology and philosophy of religion PDF
David Pensgard 94-103


Ceea ce ne uneste: istorii, biografii, idei. Sorin Antohi in dialog cu Moshe Idel/ Those things that bind us: histories, biographies, ideas. Sorin Antohi in dialogue with Moshe Idel PDF
Sandu Frunza 104-106
Bradford F. Hinze si Irfan A. Omar (eds.), Heirs of Abraham. The Future of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian Relations PDF
Andrei Dragos Giulea 107-109
C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man PDF
Rodica Albu 110-116
Eniko Magyari-Vincze, Excluderea sociala la intersectia dintre gen, etnicitate si clasa. O privire din perspectiva sanatatii reproducerii la femeile Rome/ Social Exclusion at the Crossroads of Gender, Ethnicity and Class PDF
Mihaela Frunza 117-118
Sandu Frunza, Filosofie si Iudaism/ Philosophy and Judaism PDF
Lucian Zeev Hersovici 119-120

ISSN: 1583-0039