Table of Contents
Studies and Articles
Malls And The Holy Trinity of Teens: Pleasure, Leisure, and Consumption in Transylvania | |
Diana Cotrau | 3-19 |
The Influence of the Religious Factors on the Electoral Option Quantitative Analysis | |
Tudorel Andrei, Ion Gh. Rosca, Stelian Stancu, Andreea Iluzia Iacob | 20-43 |
Perspectives on the Core Characteristics of Religious Fundamentalism Today | |
Jakobus M. Vorster | 44-65 |
Nationality and Confession in Orthodoxy | |
Ioan-Vasile Leb, Gabriel-Viorel Gardan | 66-78 |
Ideology, Politics, and Religion in the Work of the Historian Silviu Dragomir | |
Sorin Sipos | 79-105 |
Celebrating a Storyteller: Elie Wiesel | |
Sandu Frunza | 106-111 |
Aurel Codoban: despre comprehensiune si reflectie critica/ Aurel Codoban: On Comprehension and Critical Reflection | |
Stefan Afloroaei | 112-119 |
Leon Volovici istoric al vietii intelectuale evreiesti din România/ Leon Volovici - Historian of Jewish Cultural Life in Romania | |
Claudia Ursutiu | 120-139 |
SCIRI Conferences
Israel si Europa de Est o relatie spirituala dificila/ Israel and Eastern Europe - A Difficult Spiritual Relationship | |
Leon Volovici | 140-149 |
Rotten Apples, Bitter Pears: An Updated Motivational Typology of Romania s Radical Right s Anti-Semitic Postures in Post-Communism | |
Michael Shafir | 150-187 |
Discurs totalitar si manipulare/ Totalitarian Discourse and Manipulation | |
Carmen Sandu | 188-192 |
O incursiune in etica social si politica/ An Endeavor in Social and Political Ethics | |
Mihaela Frunza | 193-196 |
ISSN: 1583-0039