Table of Contents
Studies and Articles
Distinctions among Christians and Conservatives: Differential Associations among Ideological Values and Religious Orientations | |
Cassie M. Whitt, Jonathan S. Gore | 3-23 |
Kafka’s Before the Law as a Cross-Road of Literature, Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Theology | |
Erkan Zengin | 24-36 |
Neo-conservative Islam and Transition of Secular Education in Turkey | |
Ismail Guven | 37-59 |
The Role of Spirituality in Therapeutic Practices | |
Mihaela Frunza, Sandu Frunza, Nicolae Ovidiu Grad | 60-74 |
Religiosity and Career Options of Youth from the Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Region | |
Adrian Hatos, Florica Stefanescu | 75-91 |
Transhumanism as a New Techno-Religion and Personal Development: In the Framework of a Future Technological Spirituality | |
Aura-Elena Schussler | 92-106 |
The Jewish Faith and Personal Development among XXIst Century Religious Scholars | |
Uri Zur | 107-122 |
A culture of secularity? The phenomenon of non-religion in 21st century Portuguese society and politics | |
Jorge Botelho Moniz | 123-140 |
Ecodomy as Education in Tertiary Institutions. Teaching Theology and Religion in a Globalized World: Western Perspectives | |
Corneliu C. Simut | 141-155 |
Self-Identity Through the Prism of Other in Merold Westphal's Existential Philosophy of Religion | |
Serhii Shevchenko | 156-170 |
Philosophical counselling and personal development in the contemporary world | |
Iuliu-Marius Morariu | 171-175 |
ISSN: 1583-0039