Vol 2, No 4 (2003)

JSRI Volume 2 Issue 4 Spring 2003

Religion, Art, Politics

Table of Contents


Anticlericalism si ateism/ Anti-clericalism and Atheism PDF
Richard Rorty 4-12
Lumea artei: imunitate sau responsabilitate? Problema responsabilitatii si a angajamentului in arta contemporana/ The Art World: Immunity or Responsibility? The Question of the Responsibility and the Engagement in the Contemporary Art PDF
Dan-Eugen Ratiu 13-25
Nietzsche s Thinking in Relationship with the Aesthetical PDF
Stefan Maftei 26-41
Freedom as Creativity: On the Origin of the Positive Concept of Liberty PDF
Boris DeWiel 42-57
From the Gypsies to the African Americans PDF
Mihaela Mudure 58-74


Estetica arhitecturii moderne si productia artistica/ The Aesthetics of Modern Architecture and the Artistic Production PDF
Ciprian Lupse 75-83
Violenta si corporalitate/ Violence and Corporality PDF
Francisc Baja 84-89
Fenomenologia spatiului si spatialitatea templului/ Phenomenology of Space and the Space of the Temple PDF
Mirela Calbaza 90-97
The Jewish Question and Beyond: Universalism and Dialectic in the Confrontations of Marx, Zion and Intifada
Eric Lee Goodfield 98-112
Aspecte ale liberalismului englez/ Aspects of British Liberalism PDF
Demeter M. Attila 113-121

SCIRI Conferences

Manipulare, seductie si ideologie ostensiva/ Manipulation, Seduction and Ostensive Ideology PDF
Aurel Codoban 122-138
Ideologia puterii monarhice in Evul Mediu/ The Ideology of Monarchic Power in the Middle Ages PDF
Camil Muresanu 139-148
Individualismul modern ca ideologie justificativa/ Modern Individualism as Justificative Ideology PDF
Adrian-Paul Iliescu 149-171


Istvan Kiraly V., Moartea si experienta muririi/ Death and the Experience of Dying PDF
Ciprian Cherhat 172-175
Aziz Al-Azmeh, Muslim Kingship. Power and the Sacred in Muslim, Christian and Pagan Polities PDF
Adrian Costache 175-178
Mark Juergensmeyer, Terror in the Mind of God. The Global Rise of Religious Violence PDF
Horatiu Crisan 179-181
Marius Jucan, Singuratatea salvata/ Redemption of Solitude PDF
Lorin Ghiman 182-185
Romanian Journal of Society and Politics. Security in Romania / Security for Romania PDF
Lorin Ghiman 185-188
Adrian Paul Iliescu, Solitude and the Birth of Modernity PDF
Maria Gyemant 188-191
Volker Harlan, Rainer Rappman, Peter Schata, Plastica sociala/ Social Plasticity PDF
Alex Moldovan 191-193
Moshe Idel, Hasidism intre extaz si magie/ Hasidism between Ecstasy and Magic PDF
Petru Moldovan 193-196
Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism PDF
Gabriel Troc 197-205
Peter Sloterdijk, In aceeasi barca, Eseu despre hiperpolitica / Essay about Hyperpolitics; Dispretuirea maselor, Eseu asupra luptelor culturale in societatea moderna/ The Despizing of Masses PDF
Aurel Bumbas-Vorobiov, Valentina Bumbas-Vorobiov 205-209
Intilniri la Ierusalim/ Meetings in Jerusalem PDF
Codruta Cuceu 209-213

ISSN: 1583-0039